$30 a month yearly subscription to the canine fitness course

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PlayFit Introduction to Canine Fitness Online Course and Membership

Join us today to help your pet live a healthy fit life and be the best they can be!

What you'll get:

  • An introductory private zoom call to learn more about your dog and your goals. Discuss any special conditions. And give personal guidance to help you get the most from the course.
  • A step by step comprehensive canine fitness course and membership that is safe, effective and fun. 
  • Complete Puppy Module with exercises and skills appropriate for puppies 8 weeks to 6 months. 
  • Downloadable PDF's and Target Muscle Flash Cards for Exercises.
  • Complete Workout Examples.
  • Weekly sessions for 6 weeks with your qualified coaches to help guide you through the course, answer questions, expand on fitness topics in a virtual classroom type setting.
  • Facebook Lives in private facebook group and exercise spotlights
  • Access to PlayFitter with more advanced and sport specific exercises. 
  • Other special bonuses such as a FREE subscription to our Woofout Generator Plus App, an ebook on healthy human treats, a guide to canine fitness equipment, strategies for a consistent canine fitness plan webinar, canine assessment guide, plus so much more!

Please ensure your dog is healthy and sound to begin a fitness program. This program is intended for conditioning and not for dogs in rehabilitation or that have an injury.  If you have any questions on whether your dog can participate, please check with your veterinarian.