Flexiness Flexblox Product Review

canine conditioning Feb 07, 2024

Having been a distributor of canine fitness products for over 10 years as well as a consumer, I have a pretty good sense now of what products I will find useful in my program and what products will just be novel and sit on my shelf in my fitness room. To help you avoid the latter, we continually give product reviews to hopefully help you make wise purchases. If your budget is limited, this article will also feature DIY equipment and objects I have adapted for canine use.

In this review, we will look at the new Flexiness Flexblox.  This product appealed to me for several reasons. Worth noting, we don’t have any affiliation with Flexiness, but I have numerous products from them and find the company to be innovative in developing canine centric products. Products made specifically with dogs in mind increase safety, versatility, and functionality and reduce the need to “adapt” products for canine use or be limited in its function/use. Increased safety,...

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Fitness Condition Assessment Guide

The old adage "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" can be true when speaking of our dog's physical condition. Have you noticed something being off with your dog, but not sure how to assess if your dog is in pain? Would you be able to determine if your dog had muscle tightness? Have you noticed slight behavior changes in your dog, or noticed changes with your sport dog's performance? 

For the new year, we are providing for a short time, a free canine condition assessment ebook. All dog owners should be able to generally assess your dog's physical condition, understand if your dog is overweight or underweight, know the signs of pain and how to palpate your dog to determine subtle signs of discomfort, how to perform a range of motion evaluation, how to perform a gait baseline video, how to evaluate posture and establish a posture baseline, and be able to perform a general strength test to detect any significant weakness.  It's good practice to have a...

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