We have launched our PlayFit Sports Mini-Course specific for sport dogs! I, Coach L, have had a love for canine sports since 2005 when I started herding with my little sheltie, Maggie Mae. While fitness is important for all dogs, it’s absolutely essential for sport dogs. Why? Well, I will tell you a story that sadly many other owners and sport dogs have experienced. Whether you are doing agility, dock diving, herding, obedience, disc, or barn hunt, sports can be demanding on the dog’s body. I didn't understand fully how demanding until 7 years ago, my border collie had an iliopsoas strain. We did agility, herding, obedience, rally together and he was about 5 when the injury occurred.
It was hard to watch your very active young dog hurting and not only did our fun sporting activities cease but normal life changed drastically as well while he was leash walked, forbidden from jumping on the couch, and swimming wasn't allowed either. I cried many days wondering...